Saturday, May 24, 2008

#15 Library 2.0

One of the most important issues that these posts talk about is bringing it back to the people and changing the way we view ourselves in the profession.

Information control is out. Librarians can no longer look at themselves as the holders of information, the information is already out there. As we try to hold on to strict bibiliographic measures, our patrons look elsewhere. Web 2.0 is all about putting the power into the users' hands and deeming their choices as the most valid (think in terms of 'the customers preference is always right).

Librarians, from the 2.0 perspectives, are the providers of this information. Our job is to know about the various ways and places our patrons are finding and using their information. Our job is to find creative ways in using these currently popular trends of information gathering and find ways to best supply our patrons with it.

I think the message is also clear that we need to look at the various successful sites out there and see how we can make them work for ourselves as well. I cannot think of how many times I have heard patrons say "I go to Amazon first and then see if the library has it." Sure, the end result is that they are still coming back to us for the book, but the question we should be asking ourselves is why they feel the need to go to a different catalog before ours?

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